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The Power of Linking Data: A Demo in Data-Driven Decision Making


We hear more every day about the increasing importance and demand for data-driven decision making, but what does that mean in the public service?

By linking together data from multiple sources we begin to generate new and deeper insights around government and its operations. Drawing on linked administrative data enables organizations to answer questions with more granularity through disaggregated data to better understand policy, service and operational business issues. One example of this would be how different groups of women, men, and gender-diverse people have different experiences around policies, programs and initiatives.

While linking data from multiple sources can reveal additional insights, it is even more important to consider data security as not all data have the same level of privacy associated to them.

Join the GC Data Community as they host a demonstration on how to link administrative data to learn about the process of building a data warehouse, and the journey of creating insightful dashboards that support meaningful decision making. Participants will learn about security and permissions when linking data, agile development when linking data across an organization, the importance of taking a multi-disciplinary approach to data integration, and how linking data improves its quality.


  • Toundjer Erman, Executive Director of Systems and Analytics, Justice Canada
  • Ima Okonny, Chief Data Officer, Employment and Social Development Canada


Neil Bouwer, VP Innovation and Skills Development, Canada School of Public Service

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